Moe: The kid’s a fighter! _(To Hennie)_...
Text Video
Hennie Berger Moe Axelrod
Awake and Sing!
START: Tom: Give up? Meg: Not yet....
Tom Meg
Sophie: My knees are giving way. Why do...
Baal Ekart Sophie Barger
Baal: When you lie stretched out in the...
Baal Johannes Schmidt
NINA God, I'm so stupid. I actually tho...
Nina Maya
Baby Giraffe
MAYA Nina, do you know why we're here?...
**Pentheus** Move away from him. He's no...
Dionysus Pentheus
The Bacchae
Shelley: Hey guys! Scott and Liam: (Dep...
Scott Liam Shelley
Back to the Summer
Mom's voice: (Off stage) Jeff? Jeffrey?...
Scott Liam Shelley Jeff
Theodore: Alright, you’re on in two minu...
Simon Goldberg Isadora Kyveli Theodore Anna Alejandro
Backstage Out of Control
Alejandro: (whispering from the window)...
Anna : (exhausted) Your wife poisoned me...
Simon Goldberg Theodore Anna Alejandro