_Lights come up. Brian is lying on the l...
Brian Deb
An American Worker
**Ted** How’s Mark? **Cassie** Gon...
Cassie Ted
And It Came To Pass In Those Days
LAVINIA. Captain: is this man who is to...
The Captain Lavinia
Androcles and the Lion
JIMMY. What a queer dream! (He looks at...
Jimmy Pendleton Annabelle
The Angel Intrudes
MARTHY—[Nodding her head sympathetically...
Anna Christie (nee Christopherson) Marthy Owen
Anna Christie
ANNA—[In a cold, hard tone.] What are yo...
Anna Christie (nee Christopherson) Mat Burke
CHRIS-Anna! ANNA—[Acutely embarrassed...
Anna Christie (nee Christopherson) Chris Christopherson
DAN We found ourselves in the middle...
Dan Austin Jared Austin Clint Ewell
Another America
JARED We rode 175 straight through to...
CLINT The rain had been unrelentin...
James. That might have been us a few yea...
Carol Wadsworth (nee Jones) James Simpson
Another Saturday Night
Father. That was a lovely tea Brenda: I...
Carol Jones (Wadsworth to be) Mr. Ernie Jones Mrs. Brenda Jones