MISSY: Memory is a tricky thing. You nee...
Missy Claudine
The Arithmetic of Memory
MAN. A narrow shave; but a miss is as go...
Raina Petkoff Captain Bluntschli
Arms and the Man
DUKE SENIOR Why, how now, monsieur! w...
Text Video
Duke Senior Jacques Orlando de Bois
As You Like It
ROSALIND [Aside to CELIA] I will spea...
Rosalind Orlando de Bois
DUKE FREDERICK Mistress, dispatch you...
Duke Frederick Rosalind Celia
_A television set plays. A woman sings i...
Lucecita Ortensia Cruz, "LUZ" Divina Margarita Cruz
Ashes of Light (La Luz de un Cigarrillo)
PRAXAGORA Take your seats, and, since y...
Praxagora Women (3)
The Assembly of Women
DAD: Where's Leo? MOM: (holding a pac...
Mom Dad Sheila
At Long Last Leo
LEO: I'm a little scared, Gloria. I thi...
Leo Gloria
DAD: There you are. LEO: You looking...
Leo Dad
RENSHO : Then it is well: to guide and...
Rensho Atsumori
Moe: _(advancing into the room)_ That yo...
Hennie Berger Moe Axelrod
Awake and Sing!