Old man: (Coming back in through the doo...
Old Man Jamshid Mohamed
The Burqa Master
(The door bangs open and Hamid enters ca...
Old Man Hamid
Faruzeh: Hurry up I told them dinner at...
Old Man Faruzeh Abbas Hosro Sepideh Sadam
The lights come up on the scene. It is a...
Man 2 Man 1 Woman 1 Woman 2
C'est La Vie
MAN2: We interrupt your regularly schedu...
Man 1 Man 2 Woman 1 Woman 2
CAESAR. Cleopatra: I really think I must...
Julius Caesar Cleopatra
Caesar and Cleopatra
THE MAN. Hail, Sphinx: salutation from J...
Text Video
CLEOPATRA. _(Sitting down again)_ Now, P...
Cleopatra Pothinus
Matt: I never could’ve stood up to him w...
Matt Amy
MORELL (still busy at the table). You'll...
Reverend James Mavor Morell Eugene Marchbanks
MARCHBANKS (breaking off in his recitati...
Candida Morell Eugene Marchbanks
LEXY. What a good man! What a thorough,...
Proserpine Garnett Reverend Alexander (Lexy) Mill