Jack Chesney Colonel Sir Francis Chesney
Charley's Aunt
CHARLEY (to AMY). I'm so glad you were a...
Jack Chesney Charley Wykeham Kitty Verdun Amy Spettigue
AMY (coming down R. to LORD FANCOURT). M...
Jack Chesney Charley Wykeham Lord Fancourt "Babbs" Babberley Kitty Verdun Amy Spettigue
Enter Tim and Tutor. TIM Negatur arg...
Maudlin Yellowhammer Tim Yellowhammer Tutor
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside
LOPAKHIN. The train’s arrived, thank God...
Dunyasha Simon Yepikhodov Yermolay Lopakhin
The Cherry Orchard
LUBOV. Don’t tease her, Peter, you see t...
Peter Trofimov Mrs. Lyuba Andreyevna Ranevsky
ANYA. [Laughs] Thanks to the tramp who f...
Peter Trofimov Anya Ranevsky
VARYA. [Looking at the luggage in silenc...
Varya Ranevsky Yermolay Lopakhin
_God will take ca-are of you Through all...
Roxie Hart Mrs Morton Velma
MADDIE Can we go to the park now? BRYS...
Bryson Maddie
_Jamarius enters wearing an overcoat and...
Bryson Jamarius
ALEXIS Harley, we need to talk about --...
Maddie Bryson Alexis Harley