TEKLA. [Shows agitation, but manages to...
Gustav Tekla
ADOLPH. [At work on a wax figure on a mi...
Adolph Gustav
Grace: I swear that woman gets more addl...
Text Video
Esther Grace
The Crimson Cap Ladies Catch a Con
Millie: (enters from Kitchen) Oh crap, o...
Esther Grace Leona Millie Eunice/Eugene
Eunice: I tell you what. I’ll check on h...
Leona: Oh my! Such attentive service! An...
Esther Grace Leona Millie Dave
The Crimson Cap Ladies Save the Day
Buck: You guys got lots of foil? You’re...
Chelsea Buck
Grace: Oh my God, Leona, that’s straight...
Esther Grace Leona Millie Chelsea Buck
Leona: Let her in. She might have inform...
Esther Grace Leona Inspector Gruber
The Crimson Cap Ladies Take on Vegas
Millie: Oh my gosh, I need a drink after...
Esther Grace Leona Millie
(Suddenly, the door to the other room op...
Esther Grace Leona Millie Dewey
DANGLE (reading.) "Brutus to Lord North....
Mr. Dangle Mrs. Dangle
The Critic