START: [Girton’s orchard. RALPH waits le...
Tess Moffatt Ralph Mayhew
Blue Stockings
START: TESS. It’s like being on top of t...
START: CELIA. What are you doing out her...
Tess Moffatt Celia Willbond
ANGEL: Go away! GUY: Rise and shine!...
Angel Allen Guy Jacobs
Blues for an Alabama Sky
Start: Joyce: We’re fine with you mastur...
Joyce Jared
Body Awareness
Start: Sister Butterworth: I’m sorry I w...
Reverend Tollhouse Sister Constance Butterworth Brother Nathaniel Brightbee
The Book of Liz
Start: Jo: Where’ve you been the last fe...
Jules Jo
START: Michael: Donald! You’re about a d...
Michael Donald
The Boys in the Band
START: Alan: This is a marvelous apartme...
Michael Alan
START: Michael: _(In a desperate panic)_...
START: KNOX: Did I tell you what happene...
Alan Turing Dillwyn Knox
Breaking the Code
Madeleine: Where is he? Frances: Where...
Frances Beale Madeleine Palmer
The Breath of Life