Start: FASCH: Martin Luther did not nai...
Johann Friedrich Fasch Georg Balthasar Schott
Bach at Leipzig
Start: STEINDORFF: What is the meaning...
Georg Balthasar Schott Johann Martin Steindorff
Start: KAUFMANN: Truly, Johann, you mus...
Johann Martin Steindorff Georg Friedrich Kaufmann
Start: Katie: I feel so much better n...
Katie Joe
Start: Reba: We rang but no one answe...
Myra Marlowe Cora Gump Reba Harper
A Bad Year for Tomatoes
START: THE GENERAL (irritated) : I'll be...
The General The Girl
The Balcony
START: Mrs. Smith: There, it’s nine o’cl...
Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith
The Bald Soprano
START: Mr. Martin: Excuse me, madam, but...
Mr. Martin Mrs. Martin
START: Mr. Smith: Oh! How do you do. _(H...
Mr. Smith Mrs. Smith Mr. Martin Mrs. Martin Mary The Fire Chief
Start: Grace: Sorry. Rachel: Oh, I’m...
Grace Rachel
Start: Carl: Why are we meeting here? H...
Carl The Third Man/Harry Lime
The Baltimore Waltz
JOSH Hey, Katie. KATIE...
Josh Katie Michael
Bang Bang You're Dead