Start: Tommy: Well Syd, when’s it going...
Syd Tommy Ted John Tim
Breezeblock Park
START: BAZ: Three days ago I was arreste...
Vealtninc Husz Gregor "Baz" Bazwald Agnes Eggling
A Bright Room Called Day
ALICE: Anybody home? DADDY MURPHY: Wel...
Alice Murphy Daddy Murphy
Bright Star
Start: LAURIE: What do you want? I’m...
Eugene Jerome Laurie Morton
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Start: BLANCHE: I want to talk to you...
Blanche Morton Nora Morton
Start: JACK: _(still looking at the p...
Jack Jerome Stanley Jerome
Start: Henry Harry: Hi. Rosannah: Hi....
Henry Harry Rosannah DeLuce
Brilliant Traces
Start: Katherine: Well, Cromwell-- how a...
Katherine of Aragon Thomas Cromwell
Bring Up The Bodies
EUGENE: There’s too much material in thi...
Eugene Morris Jerome Stanley Jerome
Broadway Bound
START: MARGARET: He’ll be right with you...
Philip Gellburg Margaret Hyman
Broken Glass
START: HARRIET: My poor sister. And they...
Dr. Harry Hyman Harriet
START: CASE: Good! --You’re back. I was...
Philip Gellburg Stanton Case