Nora. Good day, Doctor Rank. I knew your...
Text Video
Nora Helmer Dr. Rank
A Doll's House
*Lucas.* I can't think what's the matter...
Matthew Barron Captain Lucas Wentworth
Dolly Reforming Herself
FRANCESCA So…you two haven’t seen each...
Francesca Juan Mary
Don Juan
FRANCESCA Feel free to talk and use wor...
Francesca Juan
MISS GROUT I’m glad the old witch is dea...
Rox Christy Andi Damon Shawnee Julie Noel
Downstage Dead
MISS GROUT And with her lying up there c...
Rox Christy Andi Damon Shawnee
ROLLY: Cigarette, Allen? *(GRAYSON takes...
Rolly Kingsbury Allen Grayson
The Drag
INSPECTOR: Rolly Kingsbury's been shot....
Allen Grayson Inspector
Agnes, The Daughter of Indra The Portress
A Dream Play
MANNY: An epiphany. That dream... A...
Manny Christina
Dreaming or The Consequences on Hispanics After 9/11
DELIO. Now, sir, your promise: what's...
Antonio Bologna Delio
The Duchess of Malfi
DUCHESS I sent for you: sit down;...
Antonio Bologna The Duchess