Lexi: I can't go to your party. Piper...
Lexi Piper
The Earth You Created
Mrs. Whittaker [Obviously.] Oh, there yo...
Mrs Whittaker Marion Whittaker
Easy Virtue
Sarah Bring me some lemonade in here, Jo...
Sarah Hurst John Whittaker
John I suppose mother's upset, isn't she...
Colonel Whittaker John Whittaker
ALLYSON (Nervously) What’s on the radar...
Allyson Bill
The Edge of Tonight
BILL (Too loudly) Al, check this out!...
Allyson Bill Jamison
ELECTRA (catching sight of ORESTES AND P...
Orestes Electra
Electra (Euripides)
SMITHERS [Tightening his grasp−roughly]:...
Henry Smithers An Old Native Woman
The Emperor Jones
PIANO What is that? CURTAIN Someone d...
The Ghostlight The Curtain The Piano
GHOSTLIGHT (singing in a creaky voice)...
ETHAN How's Ashley? BRENT She's re...
Ethan Brent Sean
Empty Chair
Peter Stockmann. I received from you yes...
Text Video
Dr. Thomas Stockmann Peter Stockmann
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