[General Stratton’s study. He is at his...
General Stratton Sergeant Donovan
General Stratton's Memoirs
(KAI--the severe, humorless Personal Ass...
Helen Tamara Pill Kai
The Ghost
(A Morningstar commercial.) COMMERCIAL...
Tamara Pill Kai Leonard
(DANIEL, TJ, and MADDY play Fortnite.)...
Maddy TJ Daniel
LEXY What's that light? AMY That's th...
Lexy Amy
The Ghost in the Light
AMY Who are you?! WILL Who art thou?...
Lexy Amy Kate Will
OLD MAN Excuse me asking, but I couldn’t...
The Old Man (Jacob Hummel) The Student (Arkenholz)
The Ghost Sonata
JUDY Hey, Morgan, wait up! MORGAN (To...
Text Video
Amber Melissa Morgan Judy Ensemble
(Three girls are hidden in the stalls. M...
Morgan Ensemble
ALEXIS Have you seen Amber’s “makeover”...
Amber Melissa Harper Ensemble
DEACON 1 Ah, Sexton, so nice of you to...
Wardle (Doctor, Deacon 2) Tip (Gabriel Grub)
A Goblins' Christmas Carol
GOBLIN (laughing) Oh, lighten up; life'...
Mr. Pickwick (Goblin, Mr. England, Office Official) Emilie (Riff) Marion (Mrs. Britain, Raff) Tip (Gabriel Grub) Ben Britain Sam Weller (Mr. Tugby, Goblin)