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Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson is an actor, trainer, blogger, husband, and father. Your basic superhero. He spent a good part of 2017 sailing the Caribbean as the Broadway Guest Artist on the Disney Fantasy, appearing in Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular and Disney's Believe. Broadway/Off-Broadway: Jekyll & Hyde, A Tale of Two Cities, Clinton the Musical, and The Fantasticks. Follow Rob on Twitter @traininghumanT, and read his other musings on health and wellness at

Understudy, Standby, Swing!

Should you be an understudy, a standby, a swing? But what’s the actual difference in these special stage roles? Each of these positions holds its own unique advantages and challenges so let's find out more!

NYC Audition Season: What you already know about auditioning (and what you don't!)

It's January. It's NYC audition season. Are you ready for it? Seasoned New York performer Rob Richardson offers his tips for surviving the audition frenzy.

Scene Study: A Practical Guide

Scene study is an extremely common and effective part of an actor’s training. Here are the real nuts and bolts of putting your scene together.

Using a Smartphone to Prep a Monologue or Song

All actors practice in front of the mirror when prepping a role, monologue, or song. Luckily, the smartphone is a much more capable actor's assistant.

When a Role Calls Out to You

Sometimes a role calls out to you. Professional stage actor, Rob Richardson shows us how to chase that role, learn it and be ready when it comes your way.

Making the Tough Choices

Read StageAgent blogger Rob Richardson's latest post addressing some of the touch choices actors face: union/non-union, survival jobs, family, and more!

Acting Out: A Letter to My Younger Self

What would you tell yourself at the moment when you decided to go into acting as a profession? Read blogger Rob Richardson's letter to his younger self now.

Staying Healthy and Fit: An Actor Exercises

For an actor, staying fit is part of the job: but fitness truly comes in all shapes and sizes. Read our latest blog for tips on staying fit as an actor.


For a performer to survive and thrive in this crazy business, you must be healthy. Check out our blog for tips on staying healthy and fit wherever you are.

Cruise Ship Entertainment Pt 2: A Few More Tips

In Part 2 of our series on cruise ship entertainment, we explore a bit more of life on the seas as a performer. Read on for some more helpful tips!

Cruise Ship Entertainment Pt 1: A Practical Guide

Today we’re going to talk about being a cruise ship entertainer, what the work is like, and how you live on the ocean for months at a time. Read on!

Hard to Say Goodbye: Leaving a Show on Good Terms

Occasionally, actors are lucky enough to be offered a new opportunity while they already have a gig. Read some tips on leaving a show on good terms.

How to Keep a Long-Running Performance Fresh

How does an actor manage a long-running performance, doing the same thing 6 nights a week for 6 months, a year, maybe longer? Read this actor's account.

The National Tour: More Conversations on Casting

StageAgent interviews casting director Alison Franck for another perspective on casting a national tour and more. Read the interview here for some tips.

The National Tour: Casting

StageAgent interviews casting director, Bob Kale, on his perspective with casting national tours. Read the informative and somewhat surprising interview.

National Tours: The Major Players

StageAgent takes an inside look at the National Tours market with a brief review of the major producers and presenters. Read more on Who's Who in touring.

The National Tour: A Beginning Guide

StageAgent is beginning a multi-part series examining life on a National Tour. Join us as we explore the many aspects of living, and working, on the road.

Auditions: How to Behave in "The Room"

You’re here at last to audition. You got up at 5:00AM, showered, dressed, warmed up. Now, you are waiting to go into "the room". Find out what to do next.

A Little Perspective

As an actor understudying a role, you can't wait to go on...or can you? Get a little perspective with this new StageAgent blog post.

No Summer Gig...No Big Deal

What if you’re not doing summer stock? What if you’re in the City (or elsewhere) for the summer, not necessarily performing? Read about your options here.

An Ode to Summer Stock

Summer stock is hard. Some actors do it once and never pursue it again. Read one blogger's thoughts on the highs and lows of stock theatre.

Acting by the Number$: Can Theatre Pay the Bills?

Acting on stage is your passion, but remember all the times someone told you that “there’s no money in theatre”? Read one blogger's insights on the topic.