Makeup / Costumes

Step-by-step tutorials and insights into the busy world of makeup and costume

Stage Makeup Tutorial: Spooky Looks (Part Two)

In part two of our spooky stage makeup tutorial, we look at how to create facial texture (for ageing or a ghoul-like appearance) and a convincing wound.

Stage Make Up Tutorial: Spooky Looks (Part One)

In these videos we offer some tips on how to create a look that has the potential to transform you into powerful, terrifying characters through stage makeup

I Wish I Knew: Interview with Creator and Wardrobe Specialist Franzesca Mayer

In the latest 'I Wish I Knew', Franzesca Mayer of Rubberlesque discusses what she wishes she had known before becoming a designer and wardrobe specialist.

The Skinny on Skin Care for Actors

An actor's skin can take a real beating after lots of shows and countless makeup applications. Read some helpful StageAgent tips on skin care here.

Who Made That? A Look Behind the Scenes

Each show is the culmination of a million little pieces made by many hands the audience will never meet. Read more about some key players behind the scenes.

Costume Fittings: Where Character Meets Design

A costume fitting is a step in character development, but it can be challenging for an actor as you meet your design team and mold a character together.

Break Into the Biz: A Career in Theatre Design

You want to design for theatre? Whether you’re considering college or are mid-career with an urge to see your art onstage, you'll find some ideas here.

Actors and Costume Designers: Building a Perfect Relationship

Actors and costume designers have an intimate relationship. Read these 5 tips to ensure that you have a great working relationship with your designer.

For the Love of Blood: Your Ultimate Guide to Stage Blood

With the Ides of March upon us -- the day upon which Julius Caesar was murdered -- it’s the perfect time of year to talk stage blood.

The Secret to Vintage Hairstyling

Ever wondered how Marie Antionette had such large hair? Or wanted to create vintage hair like the ladies in White Christmas? Introducing: THE RAT.

Movember Madness: The Art of Fake Facial Hair

A fake beard or mustache can instantly allow an actor to transform to a new person. Check out our tutorial on applying facial hair and enjoy the new you!

Do-It-Yourself Blood, Guts and Gore

Just in time for every Halloween! Expert tips on creating realistic-looking wounds, blood, guts and gore from's makeup blogger, Amy Bobeda.