Create a Design Morgue Board

Audience(s): High School

Topic(s): Technical Theatre: Design

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: The Structure of a Play (1 of 4)

Audience(s): Middle School, Elementary School

Topic(s): Scriptwork, Technical Theatre: Production, Technical Theatre: Design

Midsummer Night’s Dream: Justifying Production Concepts Based on a Script (3 of 4)

Audience(s): Elementary School, Middle School

Topic(s): Technical Theatre: Design, Technical Theatre: Production, Scriptwork

Midsummer Night’s Dream: Performance, Feedback and Connection to the Real World (4 of 4)

Audience(s): Middle School, Elementary School

Topic(s): Technical Theatre: Design, Technical Theatre: Production, Scriptwork

Unit: A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Beginner’s Guide to Script Analysis and Technical Design

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Technical Theatre: Design, Technical Theatre: Production, Scriptwork