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Set Construction: Flats, Platforms, and Stairs, Oh My! (3 of 4)

Audience(s): High School, Middle School, College/Higher Education

Topic(s): Technical Theatre: Production

Musical Theatre Melodies: Another Op’nin’, Another Show (3 of 10)

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Musical Theatre, Scriptwork

Exercise: A Recipe for Mozart Opera

Audience(s): High School, College/Higher Education, Middle School

Topic(s): Theatre History & Dramaturgy, Musical Theatre, Scriptwork

Exercise: A Recipe for Baroque Opera

Audience(s): High School, Middle School, College/Higher Education

Topic(s): Theatre History & Dramaturgy, Musical Theatre

Breaking Down Bullying: G.O.T.E. for Original Monologue Development (2 of 3)

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Acting Skills & Techniques

Herstories Audio Play: Evaluating Original Folktales (6 of 10)

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Acting Skills & Techniques, Scriptwork

Herstories Audio Play: Revising Original Folktales (5 of 10)

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Acting Skills & Techniques, Scriptwork

Musical Theatre Melodies: Button Up Your Overcoat (10 of 10)

Audience(s): Middle School

Topic(s): Musical Theatre, Scriptwork