Isolated Desires
Emma has just completed her Freshman year at college and she has returned to her hometown and her bo...
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Isolation: A Duet
A & J wake up in a deserted baseball stadium. As the sounds of screaming die away, a mysterious Voic...
The Jealous Wife
When the jealous Mrs. Oakley intercepts a letter addressed to her husband, Mr. Oakley, she assumes h...
The Jew of Malta
The wealthy Jewish merchant Barabas and his daughter Abigail live peacefully and prosperously on the...
Journey's End
First produced in 1928, Journey’s End offers a bleak and brutally honest insight into life in the tr...
King Arthur's Socks
Set in “a summer cottage in Camelot, Maine” in 1916, King Arthur’s Socks concerns Guenevere and Lanc...
King Edward III
A play that is deeply concerned with the themes of honor, duty, and chivalry, King Edward III follow...
A Kiss for Cinderella
Aging artist Mr. Bodie is enjoying a quiet evening in his London studio when he receives a visit fro...
The Knight of the Burning Pestle
A group of players have assembled to perform a nice, normal play entitled “The London Merchant.” Unf...
Lady Audley's Secret
Adapted from the 1862 novel of the same name, Lady Audley’s Secret is a classic example of Victorian...
The Last Store Open in Azusa, California
Chuck serves customers day after day at the CVS in which he works. The rest of the workers have long...
The Learned Women
Moliere’s The Learned Ladies is not so much a battle of wits as it is a battle over the value of wit...