SAM Hey you know what else? JULES What...
Jules Sam
The Water Gun Song
FAIN. Excellent creature! Well, sure,...
Fainall Mrs. Marwood
The Way of the World
MRS. FAIN. Ay, ay, dear Marwood, if we...
Mrs. Marwood Mrs. Fainall
MIRA. Like Daphne she, as lovely and as...
Text Video
Mirabell Millamant
Blazer (to no one in particular) Can yo...
Holly Blazer
We've Been Hurt, Been Down Before
MARTIN DOUL. I’ll be going now, I’m thin...
Martin Doul Mary Doul
The Well of the Saints
Janet The world is laughing at us right...
Janet Linda
The West Wing
Janet (cont.) I guess pigeons don’t need...
(The yellow brick road.) (DOROTHY runs...
Dorothy Scarecrow Toto
When Bad Things Happen to Good Actors
START: Gabriel: You smoke. Gabrielle:...
Gabriel Law Gabrielle York (Younger)
When the Rain Stops Falling
START: Henry: Wine?... That’s not like y...
Henry Law Elizabeth Law (Younger)
Mid morning. Gordan is at his computer,...
Gordon Will Al Cassandra
Where There's a Will