NAVIN: These protests, aren’t they dange...
Uma Navin
Together, we are Anna
ANA: Ms. Beasley, please take a seat. Ca...
Ana Claudia
_The lights go come up on EMILY and ANA...
Ana Officer Smith Emily
CLEOPATRA: Sooner shining light Shall...
Cleopatra Eras Charmion
The Tragedy of Antonie
**Light.** So, now. Must I about t...
King Edward II Lightborn
The Tragedy of Edward II
**Gav.** My lord, I hear it whisper'd ev...
King Edward II Gaveston Queen Isabella
KING EDWARD How fast they run to bani...
Text Video
King Edward II Gaveston
Sir William: _(After a pause, to Rose)_...
Rose Trelawny Vice-Chancellor Sir William Gower, Kt.
Trelawny of the Wells
Sir William: _(Facing Rose)_ My mind is...
MOTHER JONES How do you rationalize al...
"Mother" Mary Harris Jones Clarence Darrow John D. Rockefeller Jr.
The Trial of Mother Jones
DARROW Mother Jones, the records show t...
"Mother" Mary Harris Jones Clarence Darrow
MRS HALE: *(examining another block)* Mr...
Mrs. Peters Mrs. Hale