COLBY Come here, let’s focus. Watch thi...
Colby Derek
Playing in Spirit
DEREK Whoa, dude, why’re you screaming?...
_(Clitheroe sits down in the lounge, lig...
Text Video
Jack Clitheroe Nora Clitheroe Captain Brennan
The Plough and the Stars
TIM H-hey! Hey lady! Lady! ABBY Shh! Th...
Tim Abby
Popcorn for the Apocalypse
ABBY What do you do when you’re not a p...
(Archibald, holding the knives straight...
Bernie (Bernard Geldmann) Archibald Char
AKÍM. I'm going, going I mean; forgive m...
Nikíta Akím
The Power of Darkness
MÍTRITCH. Dear me! How they've made the...
Nan Mítritch
HIL. Well, father, is there news for me...
King Hildebrand Hilarion
Princess Ida
Steven (in a friendly way): Princess! Pr...
Princess Julia Sir Steven DeVere
The Princess in the Tower
Julia: Steven, wake up! The Sultan's gua...
(The same two years later. Julia looks o...