(Café music. Brenda is sitting alone sip...
Text Video
Dexter Brown - Mallet Man Brenda Green Pierre Bleu
Mallet Man - The Superhero Musical
RAMSDEN. [concluding the handshake and c...
Roebuck Ramsden/Statue in Hell Octavuis Robinson
Man and Superman
TANNER. Ramsden: do you know what that i...
Roebuck Ramsden/Statue in Hell Jack Tanner/Don Juan Octavuis Robinson
TANNER. [left alone with Octavius, stare...
Jack Tanner/Don Juan Octavuis Robinson
WANG: *Approaches the prayer box; to the...
Jeraiah Jip Mr. Wang
Man Equals Man
BEGBICK: What are you moaning about? You...
Galy Gay Leokadja Begbick
DORIMANT: Now for a touch of Sir Foplin...
Dorimant Mrs. Loveit
The Man of Mode
Leon. Sir, I beseech you. Poly. Do not...
Polydamas, Usurper of Sicily Leonidas, the rightful Prince Palmyra, daughter of Polydamas
Marriage a la Mode
IVAN LOMOV: I shall try to be brief. You...
Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov Natalya Stepanovna
A Marriage Proposal
FIRST PERSON Shoot him, shoot him! Befo...
Mass Murderer Cops Bystanders
Mass Murderer Shoots Self First
LILLIAN I don’t see why we had to come o...
Lilian Emma Terry
The Maternal Instinct
SARAH Hello….Emma, you absolutely have...
Sarah Lilian Fred