Janet: What in God’s name? Eve: It’s ov...
Catherine Margaret Janet Eve
Waiting for the Parade
Start: Douglas: Good afternoon. Wanda...
Wanda Kozynski Douglas
The Waiting Room
Start: Andrey: It’s pretty out here, eh?...
Andrey Botvinnik John Honeyman
A Walk In the Woods
Start: ALBERT: Fritz your way? DAVID:...
Albert Narracott David Taylor
War Horse
Start: ALBERT: Yes he did [kick]--that...
Albert Narracott Major Nicholls
Start: MANFRED: *(with noises)* Kam, he...
Geordie Manfred
Start: Mom: Voices? Female Voice: (*o...
Mom Female Voice
Dad: Aren’t you going to open it? Son:...
Dad Mom Sis Son
Start: Female Voice: I have an answer t...
Start: Actor 2: What are you doing? Acto...
Actor 2/Black Man Actor 6/Black Woman Actor 3/Another White Man Actor 4/Another Black Man Actor 5/Sarah Actor 1/White Man
We Are Proud to Present A Presentation about the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884-1915
START: SALLY. What you doing! ELIZABE...
Sally Poppy Elizabeth (Lizzy) Luke
The Welkin
Start: Ellie: What are you doing here ag...
Charlie Elder Thomas Ellie
The Whale