Start: Angela: You okay? Michael: I’m fi...
Michael Rodriguez Angela Rodriguez
Simpson Street
**Start**: GORGEOUS: I like him. S...
Sara Goode Gorgeous Teitelbaum
The Sisters Rosensweig
**Start**: SARA: Aren’t you going hom...
Sara Goode Merv Kant
**Start**: PFENI: Geoffrey, it’s six...
Pfeni Rosensweig Geoffrey Duncan
Start: Ouisa: Don’t hang up! PAUL? Are y...
Ouisa (Louisa) Kittredge Paul
Six Degrees of Separation
Start: Trent: This is the way you must s...
Paul Trent
Start: Dez: Cold then a b#!ch today, ain...
Faye Shanita Dez
Skeleton Crew
MRS. ANTROBUS: Sabina, you’ve let the fi...
Mrs. Maggie Antrobus Sabina
The Skin of Our Teeth
HENRY: Okay! What have you got to lose?...
Henry Antrobus Mr. George Antrobus
SABINA: Now you come along and just stre...
Mr. George Antrobus Sabina Mr. Fitzpatrick
START: JIM: KANEISHA! The hell you do...
Kaneisha Jim
Slave Play
START: GARY: Boy! Aint resting time y...
Dustin Gary