PHILOMENA: Why, I do spy that cloud of d...
Pelajia Patchnose Philomena Moosetail Annie Cook
The Rez Sisters
Start: Berenger: He’s joined up with th...
Berenger Daisy
Start: Keith: Listen, Marilyn—you know,...
Marilyn Keith
Rich Relations
Start: **Hugo**: Sir! **Patrice**:...
Hugo Patrice Bombelles
Ring Round the Moon
Start: Benjamin: So this is nice....
Abby Binder Benjamin
Start: Abby: Oh good, you’re back...
Abby Binder Marilyn Dunne Scotty
START: The Woman: Here. (Calls.) Quick!...
The Man The Woman
The River
START: THE MAN. Hello. Hello? (Looks at...
The Man The Other Woman
START: THE OTHER WOMAN. So come on. So w...
Start: General: Not too early, I trust?...
The General Hooper Moulsworth Vadim Romanoff
Romanoff and Juliet
Start: Robyn: Oh hey look who’s hom...
Sharon Robyn
The Roommate
START: Mrs Bryant You hear about Jimmy S...
Beatie Bryant Mrs Bryant