Start: JAY: I hate coming here, don’t...
Arty Kurnitz Jay Kurnitz
Lost in Yonkers
Start: BELLA: Would you like some tea...
Bella Kurnitz Grandma Kurnitz
Start: BELLA: Is Momma home? JAY:...
Arty Kurnitz Bella Kurnitz Jay Kurnitz
Start: Andy: Merry Christmas and love...
Andrew Makepeace Ladd III Melissa Gardner
Love Letters
Start: Tereus: It’s daylight at last. T...
Philomele Procne Tereus
The Love of the Nightingale
Start: Oppie: We knew the world would no...
J. Robert Oppenheimer Lilith
The Love Song of J. Robert Oppenheimer
START: BUZZ: Where is everybody? JOHN...
Buzz Hauser John Jeckyll
Love! Valour! Compassion!
START: BOBBY: What are you doing? ART...
Bobby Brahms Arthur Pape
START: GREGORY: I would have driven you....
Bobby Brahms Gregory Mitchell
START: Billy: When people ask us-- M...
Maggie Billy
Start: Cliff: You had some cases for me...
Caroline Cox Cliff Carlson
Luna Gale
M: What’s wrong? W: Please don’t. Don’t...