Start: Victoria: _(Listening to the knoc...
Duchess of Hapsburg Queen Victoria Regina
Funnyhouse of a Negro
Start: Ruby: *(Off banging on door, yel...
Arlene Horsclaw Ruby
Getting Out
Start: Arlene: I didn’t know if you’d...
Arlene Horsclaw Mother
Start: Carl: What’s happenin’, Mama? Yo...
Arlene Horsclaw Carl
Start: Helene: Are you very shocked?...
Helene Alving Oswald Alving
Start: King: This is a fine time of the...
JPW King An Irish Man
The Gigli Concert
Start: Laura: Hello, mother, I was--...
Amanda Wingfield Laura Wingfield
The Glass Menagerie
Start: Amanda: Son, will you do me a fav...
Tom Wingfield Amanda Wingfield
START: Ross: CUT! CUT! What’s the matter...
Martin Ross
The Goat or, Who is Sylvia?
START: Billy (looking around) Wow! Ma...
Martin Billy
START: Ross: Do you know there are priso...
Martin Stevie Billy Ross
Start: Annette: I left the towel in the...
Alan Raleigh Annette Raleigh Michael Novak Veronica Novak
God of Carnage