Teaching / Classroom

Looking For Drama Teaching Resources?

Alexandra Appleton | August 12, 2022

The StageAgent for Schools drama learning platform is a must-have for theatre educators!

It’s that time of year! As schools return, drama teachers across the world are looking for new ways to engage their students in and out of the classroom. And this includes easy access to better resources. Here’s where the StageAgent for Schools drama learning platform can help! StageAgent for Schools provides the curriculum and resources needed to engage your theatre students. You can sign up for an educator account for yourself, or upgrade to a plan for your entire class or school. And you even get a 7 day free trial!

Teachers (and administrators) are loving the resources available for them on StageAgent for Schools. But don’t just take our word for it, watch some of our drama teacher testimonials.

Let’s take a look at what’s included on the StageAgent for Schools platform.

Lesson Plans

Find hundreds of lesson plans for theatre that are appropriate for a variety of student age levels, with content aligned to State, National and International Standards. Our lessons are ideal for blended, remote, or in-person teaching.

Take a look at our sample lesson plan on Comedy of Manners & The Importance of Being Earnest.


Learning Modules

Study the history and practice of theatre with expert learning modules, covering topics such as audition preparation, diversity & inclusion, playwriting, theatre history, and tech theatre. No more need for multiple textbooks. Now you have all of the information in one place!



Show Research & Audition Prep

Explore detailed guides for over 2,250 plays, musicals and operas with plot analyses, character breakdowns and video examples. Enjoy access to hundreds of scripts and libraries of monologues and scenes. Improve student literacy, enjoy more efficient classes, and help students ace their auditions!



Participation Opportunities

Help students discover and prepare for theatre opportunities beyond school. Study our career guides, find audition announcements from community arts groups and learn about college theatre programs. Save time with downloadable templates to create a professionally formatted resume, audition book and more.


Want to join StageAgent for Schools? Sign up today and start your 7 day free educator trial. Or schedule a demo to talk with a StageAgent representative and to learn more about our school and districtwide plans.

Last Updated: August 12, 2022

Alexandra Appleton

Writer, editor and theatre researcher