Teaching / Classroom

Advice articles and reference materials for drama teachers

Performing Arts High School Auditions: Preparation

Are you ready for Performing Arts High School Auditions that are coming up in the fall? Let StageAgent help you get prepared with our latest blog!

Opera 101: What IS Opera, Doc? An Art Form Is Born

So, what IS opera, really? In simplest form, opera is a theatrical work told through music and singing. Take a look at StageAgent's first Opera 101 post.

Performing Arts High School Auditions: First Steps

Applying to get into performing arts high schools can lead to big smiles or lots of tears. Read how to prepare your child--and yourself--for this process.

Choosing a Drama School: Advice from A.C.T.'s Conservatory Director

Advice on choosing a drama school from the director of American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.), one of the top-ranked drama schools in the US.