The Showstopper Blog

Theatre blog for the StageAgent community including audition tips, acting and singing advice, interviews with theatre industry experts and career advice.

Celebrating a New Year and New Show Guides!

As we settle into the new year, let's take a moment to discover the huge range of new show guides added to StageAgent over the last few months!

Playing with Actions - Using Actions & Tactics

If you’ve taken an acting class, you’ve probably heard about actions or tactics. But what are they and how do they enhance a performance? Let's find out!

A Beginner's Opera Glossary

Do you know your buffa from your seria? Read this guide to opera terminology. and learn how to bluff your way through any opera conversation.

Discovering Your Voice Type & Range

Wondering how to identify your voice type? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Learn how to discover and then extend your vocal range.

The Diaries of an Off-Stage Understudy

What happens when you're cast as an off-stage understudy in a brand new, hit show? Mychele Lebrun explains her unique role in Police Cops: The Musical!

When Should Teenagers NOT Play Teenagers?

There are plenty of great teenage roles out there, but when are they appropriate for teenagers to play them and when do questions need to be raised? Let's explore!

Side Hustles for Actors - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Side hustles are a necessity in the life of an actor. But it can be tricky to balance your true career with something else that will pay the bills. Let's explore the pros and cons of some common survival jobs.

What’s in the Bag? Essentials for Auditions, Rehearsals & Tech Week

Performers are always running around with big backpacks, but what’s actually in those bags? Follow our bag checklist to help you plan every step of the way before a show!

Improv Tips for the Terrified Actor

Improv can put the fear into an actor, but it doesn't have to be scary! Let's discuss some tips on how to embrace it as a valuable acting tool.

How to Discover a Character Voice

Interested in developing a character voice for a role or future projects but unsure how to make it unique and sustainable? We have some top tips for you!

Top Tips on How to Nail Your Dance Call

"5, 6, 7, 8!" Did your heart just skip a beat? Dance calls can be a scary thing for the most experienced of actors. Discover how to boost your confidence and prepare for your next dance call.

How Do You Cast School Plays?

Casting a school production throws up a host of tricky questions and issues that can be hard to navigate. How do you support your students, make it fair, and achieve the best possible production? Let's find out!