The Showstopper Blog

Theatre blog for the StageAgent community including audition tips, acting and singing advice, interviews with theatre industry experts and career advice.

Starting Your Career as a Self-Represented Actor

Emerging into the industry without agency representation can feel scary. But fear not! Being self-represented will not hold you back from working, and here's why!

So You Want To Be a Theatre Technician: Working in Lighting

Ever wondered exactly what a lighting technician does or how to become one? This is the blog post for you! Dive into the world of lighting with Shaun Ellis.

Finding Your First Agent

Finding your first agent can seem like a daunting task. Our latest blog post guides you through the journey with some top tips for a fulfilling process!

The Top Shows To See On Broadway This Summer

Broadway is buzzing this summer! With so many great plays and musicals, we have chosen our top picks. But what are you hoping to see over the next few months?

Self-Care for the College Theatre Student

Being a theatre student can be a grueling, exhausting experience. It’s a tough lifestyle but we have some self-care tips to stay physically and mentally fit.

The Multi-Hyphenate Interviews: Chris Tsujiuchi (Musical Director & Performer)

Welcome to our first instalment of the Multi-Hyphenate Series. Let's dive into the world of music directing with our first multi-hyphenate: Chris Tsujiuchi!

Finding Acting Work Outside the Big City

In this blog post, we take a deep dive into finding acting work outside the big city, how to best handle it and why it's a blessing in disguise!

The Actor's Guide to Finances

Let's talk money! The “Starving Artist” trope is a classic for a reason. In this crash course guide, we cover all the basics to get your finances on track.

Three Decades of Angels: Looking Back as Angels in America Turns 30

It's 30 years since Angels in America, an epic examination of HIV & homosexuality in the USA, first hit the stage. We explore why it's still so relevant today.

Explore the Museum of Broadway!

Come with us to visit the newly opened Museum of Broadway. Check out the fabulous costume, backstage, and set displays to help you plan your next NYC trip!

So You Want To Be a Theatre Technician? Working in Automation

In this series, we're asking what it's like to work in a huge variety of different backstage roles. This week we chatted to Jack Wigley, Head of Automation at Back to the Future the Musical!

Should Drama Teachers Worry About ChatGPT in School?

It's impossible to ignore the buzz surrounding ChatGPT right now, but how much should teachers worry about it in the classroom? Let's take a look!