The Showstopper Blog

Theatre blog for the StageAgent community including audition tips, acting and singing advice, interviews with theatre industry experts and career advice.

The Secret to Vintage Hairstyling

Ever wondered how Marie Antionette had such large hair? Or wanted to create vintage hair like the ladies in White Christmas? Introducing: THE RAT.

How to Help Your Director Carry Out His or Her Vision

A stage director needs a ton of support to carry out his/her vision. Here are the key people who need to help the director guide a show to success.

Community: A Theatrical Necessity

There is no theatre without an audience. Community engagement is not just something that’s nice to do – it is essential to the creation of the art itself.

Movember Madness: The Art of Fake Facial Hair

A fake beard or mustache can instantly allow an actor to transform to a new person. Check out our tutorial on applying facial hair and enjoy the new you!

Social Media Savvy for Actors

NYC Casting Associate Kate Lumpkin shares her five guidelines to help actors successfully use social media to enhance their performing arts careers.

Do-It-Yourself Blood, Guts and Gore

Just in time for every Halloween! Expert tips on creating realistic-looking wounds, blood, guts and gore from's makeup blogger, Amy Bobeda.

The Art and Importance of Asking for Feedback

The best actors know how to listen to the feedback they are given and then act on it.

Stage Makeup for Actors on a Budget

The classic makeup kit is a thing of the past! Berkeley Rep makeup artist Amy Bobeda recommends the best in stage makeup for budget-conscious actors.

Unveiling Artistic Identity or #WhyIMadeThisAlbum

Classical actor Lenne Klingaman talks about the many voices one can explore in an artist's life, and her journey from actor to indie folk recording artist.

A Theatre Geek’s Back-to-School Shopping Guide

Learn how theatre people should go about with their back-to-school shopping! Read Megan Loughran's ongoing column about Pratfalls & Other Serious Business.

Audition Material That's Right for YOU

Casting associate Kate Lumpkin tells it like it is: in auditioning, there's no pleasing everyone, but you can find the material that's right for YOU.

Actors: Do Your Homework!

What does it take to live an artist's life? Arts industry expert Kate Lumpkin talks about what it means to do your homework.