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31 Useful Theatre Things You Can Do on StageAgent from Home

Jason Engleman | March 17, 2020

With theatres and school campuses shut down around the world due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, many thespians are quarantined at home.

While anxieties are understandably running high, we eventually will come out on the other side. Auditions and performances will return. Being stuck at home does not mean your work as a performer is on hiatus. It is important that you make the most out of this 'downtime' so you can be prepared when things return to normal.

With the rise of theatre e-learning tools like, there is no shortage of useful activities that can be accomplished online. If you take advantage of your at-home time to focus on improving your craft, you will be much better prepared when quarantines are lifted and live theatre opportunities return. 

Here are 31 things you can do on StageAgent while still in your pajamas!

Research shows

  1. Read the StageAgent guides for shows with upcoming auditions in your area.
  2. Input your age, gender, vocal part and dancing ability in the StageAgent Character Search to find parts that you could play someday.
  3. Take StageAgent theatre quizzes and earn a spot in the top 25 leaderboard.
  4. Learn about opera!
  5. Read full scripts for plays.
  6. Do a compare and contrast of shows from different historical times. Read guides for shows such as Hamilton, 1776, Titanic, Wolf Hall, and The Scottsboro Boys.
  7. Take a look at shows that are adapted from other mediums and analyze how they make the switch. What is cut or added? Which characters stay as-is or are expanded? How is the original plot changed for the adaptation? For example, review:

Practice monologues, scenes and songs

8. Choose a monologue on StageAgent and film yourself performing it 

9. Choose an audition song from StageAgent and film yourself performing it 

*For smart phone tips, see this article

10. Choose a scene on StageAgent and consider the different ways it could be interpreted/performed

*For example, pick a Shakespeare scene and transport it to a different age. What would be the technical/staging/costuming challenges? To read up on the debate surrounding modern adaptations of Shakespeare plays, read this article!

11. Pick a scene and retell the story using only emojis / GIFs / memes. Then analyze what is gained / lost without the words. If it’s a class, a whole play could be translated into emojis!

12. Record yourself performing a scene but take the lines of all characters involved. Do this in the style of many YouTubers who have conversations with their ‘girlfriend’ or ‘Mum’ by changing the camera angle and wearing a wig. Skills could involve creative costuming, acting, line reading, interpreting characters, character research, video recording, simple video editing.

13. Improve your singing warm up routine.

Build your audition book

14. Find 2-4 new monologues and learn them!

15. Find 2-4 new songs to add to your book.
* Need help with choosing materials? Read this post.

Discover theatre companies and drama schools

16. Find drama schools in the StageAgent theatre company database.

*Great advice in this article

17. Prepare for college auditions by reviewing this post.

18. Discover Equity and LORT theatre companies in the StageAgent theatre company database.

Study your Shakespeare

19. Read Shakespeare’s biography on StageAgent.

20. Learn the first steps to tackling Shakespeare.

21. Discover Shakespeare phrases you never knew.

Learn how to apply makeup

22. Create blood, guts and gore.

23. Produce fake facial hair.

24. Discover tips on skin care for actors.

Discover backstage opportunities

25. 7 things to know as a director.

26. Learn about different backstage opportunities.

27. Read about lighting design.

Update your StageAgent profile

28. Browse the StageAgent talent directory and identify profiles you want to emulate.

29. Write your profile introduction

30. Add headshots and video clips

31. Add your credits and build your printable resume

Have more ideas? List them in the comments below!

Last Updated: September 18, 2023

Jason Engleman

Humming show tunes day and night.